Štát México, Mexiko
Štát México, Mexiko

Ako USA outsourcovali ochranu svojich hraníc do Mexika (Smieť 2024)

Ako USA outsourcovali ochranu svojich hraníc do Mexika (Smieť 2024)

México, tiež hláskoval Méjico, estado (štát), v centrálnej časti Mexika na jeho stredisku Mesa. Je ohraničená štátmi Michoacán na západ, Querétaro a Hidalgo na severe, Tlaxcala a Puebla na východe a juhovýchode a Morelos a Guerrero na juhu a tiež obklopuje spolkovú oblasť z troch strán na juh. Štátnym kapitálom je Toluca (Toluca de Lerdo).


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Priemerná nadmorská výška štátu presahuje 3 000 metrov (3 000 metrov) nad hladinou mora a podnebie je chladné; pôda je úrodná a bohatá na zrážky. Väčšina štátu leží v medzipriestorovom údolí Mexika, predtým lakustínskej kotline, ktorá teraz obsahuje iba niekoľko prírodných jazier - napríklad Zumpango, Texcoco a San Cristóbal - a niekoľko umelých nádrží. Mokrade a slané byty pokrývajú povrchy, ktoré ešte nepodľahli rozrastaniu miest a poľnohospodárstvu. Vypúšťanie údolia sa začalo v 16. storočí; výrazne ju urýchlilo otvorenie v roku 1900 tunela Tequixquiac, ktorý odvádzal vodu na východ, a systém tunelov a rúrok dokončený v roku 1951, ktorý poskytoval pitnej vode a vodnej energii štátu a spolkovému okresu. Aktívna sopka Popocatépetl je korunou národného parku na hranici medzi Mexikom,Puebla a Morelos; spiaca sopka Iztaccíhuatl leží asi 16 km na sever. Medzi ďalšie národné parky patria Marquesa, Nevado de Toluca (Mount Toluca), Desierto del Carmen (Carmen Desert) a Zoquiapan.

México state’s economy and population are among the country’s largest, and its population density is one of the highest, mainly due to the growth of the national capital’s metropolitan area into the southern part of the state. The vast majority of income and employment derives from services (including government, retail trade, and tourism) and manufacturing (chiefly refined metals, metal products, chemicals, processed foods, and beverages). Mining and agriculture together account for only a tiny fraction of the workforce; however, dairy products, corn (maize), maguey (agave), and other farm products are sold in urban markets. The rail and highway networks are well developed, but road congestion is a problem in the area around the Federal District.

The region’s prehistoric indigenous inhabitants included the Toltec, Chichimec, and Aztec peoples, whose empire was conquered by the Spanish in 1521. México became a state in 1824, encompassing a larger geographic area than it does today. Over the years parts of its original territory were carved out to create the Federal District and to form parts of Guerrero, Hidalgo, and Morelos. In 1830 Toluca was established as the state capital. State government is headed by a governor, who is elected to a single term of six years. Members of the unicameral legislature (the House of Deputies) are elected to three-year terms. México is divided into numerous local governmental units called municipios (municipalities), each of which is headquartered in a prominent city, town, or village.

The state contains many preconquest ruins, among them Tenayuca, Acatzingo, and the monumental city of Teotihuacán; the latter, designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1987, is situated about 30 miles (50 km) northeast of Mexico City. Cultural institutions of note include the National Museum of the Vice-Royalty (founded 1964, in Tepotzolán), exhibiting colonial art; the Museum of Fine Arts (in Toluca); and Chapingo Autonomous University (founded 1854 as the National Agricultural School; present status 1978). Area 8,245 square miles (21,355 square km). Pop. (2010) 15,175,862.