James Bridges americký herec, scenárista a režisér
James Bridges americký herec, scenárista a režisér

You Bet Your Life: Secret Word - Name / Street / Table / Chair (Smieť 2024)

You Bet Your Life: Secret Word - Name / Street / Table / Chair (Smieť 2024)

James Bridges (narodený 3. februára 1936, Paríž, Arkansas, USA - zomrel 6. júna 1993 v Los Angeles v Kalifornii), americký herec, scenárista a režisér, ktorý bol najznámejší pre Čínsky syndróm (1979) a Urban Cowboy (1980).


Filmová škola: Fakty alebo fikcie?

Akadémiu nikdy nezískal žiadny tichý film.

Bridges začal svoju kariéru v oblasti zábavy ako herec a prvé kredity zahŕňali bitové časti na viacerých televíznych reláciách a hlavnú úlohu ako Tarzan v podzemnom filme Andyho Warhola Tarzan a Jane Regained

Druh (1964). Nakoniec sa však sústredil na prácu za kamerou. Napísal dobre prijaté vozidlo Marlon Brando The Appaloosa (1966), ako aj početné epizódy Hodiny Alfreda Hitchcocka. V roku 1970 premostil Bridges scenáriu a režisérku The Baby Maker, nízkorozpočtové dráma o pároch bez detí, ktoré si prenajímajú hippie (ktorú hrá Barbara Hershey), aby slúžila ako náhradná matka, s neočakávanými výsledkami.

Širšie zviditeľnená bola dráma The Paper Chase (1973), dráma o prvákovi Harvard Law School (Timothy Bottoms), ktorý sa snaží prežiť náročnosť svojej práce s náročným profesorom Kingsfieldom (John Houseman, ktorý za svoju úlohu získal Oscara).), zatiaľ čo sa vzdáva povesti profesorovej slobodnej dcéry (Lindsay Wagner). Bridgesova adaptácia pôvodného románu bola tiež nominovaná na Oscara a populárny film bol neskôr adaptovaný do úspešného televízneho seriálu.

Bridges next wrote and directed 9/30/55 (1978; also known as September 30, 1955), a dramatization of a fan (Richard Thomas) struggling to come to grips with the death of idol James Dean in 1955. However, it was the suspenseful The China Syndrome (1979) that became Bridges’s first breakout hit. Jane Fonda played a television reporter who stumbles onto a cover-up at a nuclear power plant that nearly suffered a meltdown, and Jack Lemmon portrayed the engineer who blows the whistle on his criminally negligent superiors. Both actors were Oscar-nominated, as was Bridges for cowriting the prescient original screenplay. The film received an enormous boost when, a few weeks after it opened, the Three Mile Island nuclear accident occurred in Pennsylvania.

Bridges also scored big with Urban Cowboy (1980), a formulaic but entertaining story about a young Texas construction worker (John Travolta) who lets his marriage to independent Sissy (Debra Winger) disintegrate while he struggles to be accepted in the world of Gilley’s, the famed Houston honky-tonk, with its mechanical bull and competitive dance floors. Cowritten by Bridges, Urban Cowboy was a box office hit and spawned a best-selling sound track. Bridges next wrote the existential murder mystery Mike’s Murder for his longtime friend Winger, but the studio rejected the cut he delivered in 1982, and the film remained on the shelf until 1984, when a much-edited version was released to critical and commercial failure.

Bridges’s next film, Perfect (1985), centred on the new subculture of health clubs. It starred Travolta as a bright but unscrupulous Rolling Stone reporter on the trail of a story and Jamie Lee Curtis as the club instructor he first exploits, then falls in love with. Perfect, which was coscripted by Bridges, was widely panned and failed to find an audience. In 1988 he helmed his last film, Bright Lights, Big City, an intelligent but curiously flat adaptation of the Jay McInerney best seller about the club-and-cocaine scene in 1980s New York City. Two years later Clint Eastwood directed White Hunter, Black Heart, which was based on a script cowritten by Bridges. Diagnosed with cancer, Bridges died in 1993. In 1999 the main screening venue of the UCLA Department of Film, Television and Digital Media was renamed the James Bridges Theater.